Welcome to Life Insurance 420, a life insurance agency dedicated to helping you compare quotes and apply without leaving your home.  Covering your loved ones is important, and we're here to help you save money on your premiums and apply with confidence.

We help people of all ages and health, and if you happen to enjoy using marijuana in one form or another, we can also hook you up with Non-Smoker rates and 420 friendly cc merchant processors.  Life insurance companies usually test for marijuana, and most will give you a Smoker rating.  Smoker rates are near triple the rates of Non-Smokers, so it's important for you to apply to a marijuana friendly carrier that will offer Non-Smoker rates for marijuana use.  Your state of residence does not matter.

To apply for life insurance, you will need to work with an agent, and if you work with us we'll be able to help you apply with the highest chance of success. 

To get started, fill out the instant quoter below with accurate contact info to see some instant quotes.  You can also chat with an agent at 213.784.1481


Life Insurance 420 is made up of a few friends who decided to pool their education and experience together to create a life insurance firm that is relatable, friendly, and helpful for marijuana users.  Our education spans from Vermont to California, and our backgrounds include finance, marketing, and sports medicine w/ medicinal healing.

We all have families with young kids that depend on our income to live in a safe community with good schools, good health care, and access to healthy food.  We are active and enjoy outdoor activities including downhill skiing, surfing, motorcycling, camping, concerts, and traveling.  We understand many activities pose some risk, and we enjoy the peace of mind that life insurance provides, ensuring our families will be economically stable should anything happen to us.  We think you will agree, and we look forward to guiding you to your own peace of mind.

  Al Amaya  

 Zack Taylor



© 2018 - 2020 by Life Insurance 420 is a Life Insurance Brokerage, and provides life insurance quotes and general information about applying for life insurance.  Our agents assist in the application process to receive coverage.  Life & Health Agent License for Zachary Taylor Agent #0M60573.  

Contact Us: 213.784.1481 |

3460 Torrance Blvd. Suite 300

Torrance, CA 90503