John Hancock Life Insurance Marijuana
John Hancock

Marijuana use is considered drug use, and therefor not likely to offer a good rating. Marijuana Dispensary ATM Placement Services

AIG Life Insurance Marijuana

Will offer Standard (Non-Tobacco) rates when marijuana is used no more than 2x per month.  Prescription will be requested if using for medicinal purposes.  More than 2x per month will be considered Standard (Tobacco), and frequency taken into account for possible lower rating or rejection.


Offers Standard (Non-Tobacco) rates for marijuana use up to 4x per week with the potential to receive preferred, elite, or elite plus depending on your lab tests and overall health status.  5x or more per week is considered heavy use and may result in higher rates. 


Offers Standard Plus (Non - Tobacco) for marijuana use up to 3x per week.  Admission is necessary during the application process.  Positive THC in lab test OK.  7x per week will be declined.  Medicinal use will consider underlying condition for rating.  

Lincoln National

Offers Standard (Non - Tobacco) for social marijuana use up to 8x per month.  More than 2x per week is unlikely to get competitive rates.  Medicinal use will be rated based on underlying medical condition.

United of Omaha

Offers Standard (Non - Tobacco) for marijuana use up to 3x per month.  4x - 8x will be rated on a case by case basis.  8x+ is likely to be declined.  THC will be measured to match admitted use.


Offers Standard (Non - Tobacco) for marijuana smoking up to 12x per year.  13x or more is considered Standard (Tobacco) rates or possible decline depending on frequency of use.  Medicinal will rate underlying medical condition and often get Tobacco ratings.  

Protective Life

Does not offer non-tobacco rates and considers it the same for all recreational marijuana users.  If marijuana usage is non-inhaled, Standard (Non-Tobacco) is highest rating.

North American 

Offers Non-Tobacco rates for recreational users age 21+ on a case by case basis.  Heavy usage receives Tobacco rates or possible decline, particularly when other drugs are used.  


Offers Non - Tobacco ratings for rare marijuana use.  Admission is necessary during the application process.  Common use received Tobacco ratings, and heavy use may be declined.  Medicinal will rate underlying medical condition.  

Accordia Life

Offers Preferred (Smoker) for marijuana use up to 3x per week.  More than 3x will receive Standard Tobacco ratings. 

Minnesota Life

Offers Preferred  (Non - Tobacco) for marijuana use up to 24x per year.  Have to test negative for THC in your labs.  25x + per year is considered Standard (Tobacco).  Medicinal usage will rate underlying medical condition.

Fidelity Life

Offers Standard Smoker rates for any marijuana use in the past 12 months.  

Legal & General (Formerly Banner)

Offers Standard (Tobacco) rates for recreational marijuana use and have no criminal or drug abuse history.  Medicinal use is still Standard (Tobacco).


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